Instruments for children
The Haus der Musik is an official partner of the Lang Lang International Music Foundation, bringing music closer to children and young people.
For example, urgently needed musical instruments were purchased for schools in Austria.
Educational initiatives
With your support, we can bring the diversity of music closer to as many people as possible, especially children - as with the Stairplay sound staircase.
The interdisciplinary range of the Sound Museum is to be gradually expanded.
Your donation to the House of Music is tax-deductible. The deductibility of donations is automatic and you no longer need to include your donation in your employee assessment or tax return. We will report your donation to the tax office. For this purpose, we need your first name, surname and date of birth. The data for your first name and surname must correspond exactly with the details on your registration form. Your e-mail address will be used solely for the purpose of contacting you in the event of any queries.
Haus der Musik Spendenkonto
UniCredit Bank Austria
IBAN: AT 47 12000 51428 426 902